abstract, fine art and archaeological images
italy : greece : turkey : north africa : britain : croatia : spain
baelo claudia, colossal statue of trajan, now in cádiz archaeological museum
cádiz (gades), roman theatre
cádiz (gades), roman theatre, shell midden
cádiz roman cemetery, large glass cinerary urn of uncertain date
cádiz (gades), roman theatre, building stone inscribed with 'balbus is a theif' (cádiz museum, HE 18 2009.2)
cádiz, bronze cuirass statue of an unknown emperor, C2AD, cádiz museum. please click on image for full view
cádiz terracotta bust of astarte, C5BC, found in calle jiménez and now in cádiz museum
cádiz (gades), roman theatre, museum frieze from frons pulpiti, now in cádiz museum
cádiz, finca el chorreadero, paterna de rivera, mosaic with marine, cádiz museum
cádiz, chiclana de la frontera, funerary inscription for an eye doctor, now in cádiz museum (CIL II.1737)
cádiz, huerta al cacique, bucrania dating to EC1AD, now in cádiz museum
cádiz, temple of isis, marble with feet and dedication to isis, cádiz museum
cádiz, calle san roque, mosaic of apollo and marcias, C2AD, cádiz archaeological museum
cádiz, fine sculpture of marble torso, C2AD, unknown provenance, now in cádiz museum
carmona, roman gate at puerta de cordoba with view of via augusta
carmona, puerta de sevilla, precise site of roman temple that topped the gate
carmona, roman gate remains at puerta de sevilla
carmona roman necropolis, statue base from tomb of servilia (CIL II.195), now in attached museum
carmona, roman gate to cordoba with original masonry at the base and to the right of the later restoration
carmona roman necropolis, painted terracotta head, likely late republican in date (pers op), now in attached museum
carmona, original masonry of roman gate to cordoba
carmona roman necropolis, tomb of postumius
carmona, roman amphitheatre
carmona roman necropolis, tomb of servilia, area for burials
carmona roman necropolis, tomb of the elephant
carmona roman necropolis museum, elephant sculpture from the tomb of the elephant
carmona roman necropolis, tomb of servilia, feasting court
carmona roman necropolis, tomb of servilia, wall painting showing woman and attendant
carmona roman necropolis, tomb with cubicles
córdoba, roman bridge
carmona roman necropolis, tomb of servilia with view of unexcavated tomb in distance
córdoba, roman temple, re-used altar (poss) in front shoring
córdoba, plaza del triunfo, remains of roman wall and gate at the city end of the bridge
córdoba, roman temple
córdoba roman temple, unexcavated marble column
córdoba roman temple, architectural and sculptural elements
hispalis, ex situ mosaic with bird, seville antiquarium
itálica, amphitheatre, mosaic in corridor
hispalis, dedicatory stone to sextus iulius, re-used in base of la giralda, seville (CIL II.1180)
hispalis, roman altar re-used in la giralda, in seville (HE 1151)
hispalis, roman altar tomb epitaph to romulus, now in a courtyrad in seville alcázar (CIL II.1173)
itálica, amphitheatre
itálica, domus of the parajos
itálica, área termal, heated bath
itálica amphitheatre, drain at entrance
itálica amphitheatre, bronze of lex gladiatoria (CIL II.6278)
itálica, área termal, room with neptune mosaic
itálica, domus of the birds, owl
itálica, domus of the birds, parrot
itálica, domus of the birds, fountain
itálica, domus of hylas, triclinium mosaic
itálica museum, inscription from amphitheatre (AE 2000.72)
itálica, domus of the planetarium, mosaic depiction of sol
itálica, domus of the planetarium, mosaic depiction of mars
itálica, domus of neptune, underground corridor painting
itálica, heavily reconstructed north gate, C2AD
itálica, domus of the birds, remains of lararium
itálica museum, bronze bust of hadrian, taken by nick hodgson
saepo, funerary altar now in cádiz museum (AE 1987.0499)
itálica, mosaic in public latrine
itálica, public latrine
itálica, cardo, view towards south
santiponce, roman baths
itálica, view down street linking town to original republican colony
seville alcázar, roman masonry bisecting patio de la montería
seville, re-used roman millstones in wall at calle gago
photos © lorraine kerr 2008-2025