abstract, fine art and archaeological images
italy : greece : turkey : north africa : britain : croatia : spain
benevento, arch of trajan, attic inscription (CIL IX.1558)
benevento, ponte leproso (C2AD)
praeneste (palestrina), hellenistic sanctuary of fortuna primigenia, view from 'theatre' section
brindisi, columns marking the end of the via appia
lecce, amphitheatre
metaponto, messapian rock-cut tombs
praeneste (palestrina), hellenistic sanctuary of fortuna primigenia, mock theatre
praeneste (palestrina), sanctuary of fortuna primigenia, hemicycle of lower terrace, showing earliest known use of opus incertum
rome, arch of constantine, south side, spoliated spandrel sculptures of main arch
rome, arch of constantine, lateral panel with hadrianic roundel
rome, circus maximus
rome, via appia, tomb of caecilia metella, dedicatory inscription (CIL VI.31584)
rome, via appia, circus of maxentius, pulvinar
rome, via appia, circus of maxentius, opus vittatum in vaulting
rome, via appia, villa of maxentius, basilical hall in trees; the peripteral wall of maxentius's mausoleum is in the foreground
rome, forum romanum, view from campidoglio towards colosseum
rome, forum romanum, temple of romulus, restoration inscription (CIL VI.1147)
rome, temple of saturn, restoration inscription (CIL VI.937, terminus post quem AD 284)
rome, forum romanum, temple of venus and rome, maxentian apse and coffering
rome, hadrianic pantheon, coffered dome and oculus
rome, agrippa's pantheon, reliefs on porch frieze
rome, milvian bridge
nemi, sanctuary of diana, monopteros excavated in 2011
rome, valle di caffarella, nymphaeum of egeria (republican)
egadi islands, marèttimo, roman watchtower with opus quasi reticulatum
segesta, hellenic temple
segesta, hellenistic theatre
selinunte, hellenic temple (known as 'temple g')
nemi, museo delle nave, late antique inscription (CIL V.04017)
nemi, sanctuary of diana, traces of wall painting
nemi, sanctuary of diana, stucco fluting on columns
rome, arch of constantine, south side, spoliated hadrianic roundels
rome, arch of constantine, frieze depicting siege of verona
rome, ara pacis, detail of decoration
rome, ara pacis, panel with imperial family
rome, ara pacis museum, fragment of ara pietatis (claudian)
rome, arch of titus, attic insription (CIL VI.945)
rome, column of marcus aurelius
rome, column of trajan, detail of reliefs around the base
rome, pyramid of cestius, memorial inscription (CIL VI.1375; late republican)
lipari, spolia from greek theatre incorporated into medieval walls
aeolian islands, capo graziano (near filicudi), amphorae from shipwreck (C2BC)
laeolian islands, lipari, greek terracotta sarcophagus
catania, greek theatre
catania, greek theatre, triton
rome, temple of claudius
rome, valle della caffarella, tomb of annia regilla (constantinian)
rome, tomb of eurysaces (ILS 7460)
rome, valle della caffarella, columbarium (trajanic)
taranto, hellenic phase of temple of poseidon
rome, column of trajan, detail
rome, pulvinar from agrippa's mausoleum, palazzo dei conservatori
rome, aurelianic walls, circular tower at porta nomentana
rome, castro pretorio, merlon impressions from original wall
rome, castro pretorio, aurelianic terracotta window moulds in tower
rome, castro pretorio, remains of tiberian gate (embedded in aurelianic-period wall)
rome, forum of vespasian, walls in porch of ss cosmos and damian
rome, forum of augustus, temple of mars ultor and fire wall
rome, head of colossal statue of constantine, now in palazzo dei conservatori
rome, santa maria in trastevere, spoliated column base
rome, cippus of aquae marcia tepula and julia, C1AD (AE 1973.0035)
rome, tabularium, remains of floor mosaics found underneath temple of jupiter 119 house (TAQ C80BC)
rome, insulae next to ara coeli steps
rome, tabularium museum, lex horreorum, C1AD (CIL VI.33747)
rome, santa sabina, in situ roman column (probably temple of Isis)
rome, temple of divine hadrian, decorative panels from podium, now in palazzo dei conservatori
rome, tabularium museum, base from tomb of agrippina (CIL VI.40372)
volterra, cinerary urn, cC2BC. now in great north museum, england
paestum, temple of neptune (lately known as a second temple of hera, no evidence supplied for the change), C6BC
paestum, greek city walls at via magna graecia
paestum, temple of hera (560-520BC)
paestum, ancient church of sant'annunziata, roman sarcophagus re-used as altar
paestum, temple of athena (c500BC)
paestum archaeological museum, funeral plate with fruit nuts and sweets from lucanian tomb (C4BC)
paestum, heroon, c510BC
paestum, roman forum, macellum inscription to magister menti bonae (AE 1975.0239)
paestum, roman public baths (taken by Nick Hodgson)
paestum, roman temple to goddess mens bona, section of triglyph and metope
bari, re-used funerary altar found in base of C9 church under duomo in 2007 excavations. uncatalogued at time of writing.
isole tremiti, san nicola, tomb associated with julia the younger at the ancient necropolis
isole tremiti rock-cut tomb in the ancient necropolis of san nicola
paestum archaeological museum, tomb of the diver, top slab (lucanian, EC5BC)
paestum archaeological museum, tomb of the diver, end slab (lucanian, EC5BC)
rome, forum boarium, temple of portunus
rome, via appia, tomb of caecilia metella
rome, forum holitorium, frieze decoration
tivoli, hadrian's villa, marble panel, palazzo massimo
rome, villa of livia at prima porta, wall painting of sunken triclinium, palazzo massimo
rome, villa farnesina, stuccoed ceiling of triclinium, LC1BC, palazzo massimo
rome, villa farnesina, wall painting in triclinium C, LC1BC, palazzo massimo
rome, villa farnesina, wall painting in cubiculum 2, LC1BC, palazzo massimo
rome, columbarium decoration, villa doria pamphilj, EC1AD, palazzo massimo
rome, via appia, circus of maxentius, carceres and towers
rome, via appia, circus of maxentius and late republican mausoleum of caecilia metella
rome, via appia, tomb of romulus and peribolos
rome, via praenestina, funerary stele, EC1BC, palazzo massimo
rome, via triumphalis arcades on via del teatro di marcello
rome, theatre of marcellus and temple of apollo sosianus
rome, via appia at modern junction of via erode attico, looking toward rome
rome, via appia, tomba dei festoni (mid republican)
rome, via appia, tomb of the rabirii, inscription CIL VI.02246, republican date
rome, via appia, circular tomb, probably dating to late republic
rome, via appia, funerary monument to Chrestus, lictor to Julius Caesar, CIL VI.01871
rome, mausoleum of hadrian, helicoidal ramp
rome, porticus of octavia, severan phase
rome, servian wall at termini, EC4BC
rome, statue of augustus as pontifex maximus, palazzo massimo
rome, temple of apollo sosianus, frieze (late republican)
rome, mausoleum of augustus, entrance
rome, forum romanum, temple of vesta
rome, forum romanum, 'temple of romulus', view from house of vestals
rome, forum romanum, porticus of gaius and lucius, augustan period, CIL VI.00901
rome, forum romanum, house of vestals, inscription to head vestal numisia, CIL VI.32411
rome, forum romanum, arch of septimius severus, victories in main spandrel
rome 2023 15, funerary altar of claudia ianuaria, used as spolia in aurelianic phase of porta salaria, C1AD, CIL VI.15475, palazzo massimo alle terme
rome, viminal area, pediment of temple of ceres, palazzo massimo alle terme
rome, castra priora equitum singularum, altar dedicated to sol invictus and jupiter dolichenus, LC3AD, CIL VI.01115, palazzo massimo alle terme
rome, mithraeum of castra peregrinorum under san stefano rotondo, LC3AD, palazzo massimo alle terme
rome, central complex of palatine overlooking circus maximus (hadrianic coffering visible)
photos © lorraine kerr 2008-2025