abstract, fine art and archaeological images
italy : greece : turkey : north africa : britain : croatia : spain
bremenium (high rochester) tomb to felicio, RIB 1290. great north museum
okrney, ring of brodgar
bowes castle, roman stone in fabric of norman-period construction
lavatris (bowes), severan inscription in bowes church, RIB 740
piercebridge roman bridge, general view
onnum (haltonchesters), building stone, C2AD. RIB 1428, great north museum
chesters bridge, general view
chesters bridge, slab from road surface
morbium (piercebridge), north rampart of fort
lavatris (bowes), west rampart
magnis (carvoran), tombstone of salonian aurelia aia, EC4AD. RIB 1828, great north museum
yeavering, view of stone rampart looking towards west
orkney, broch of gurness
halton castle, roman altar next to garden wall
bremenium (high rochester), building stone of 20th legion. RIB 1294, great north museum
morbium (piercebridge), roman bridge, pier stones with original clamp
chesters, east tower of south gate
chesters (cilurnum), apodyterium of bath-house outside fort
high rochester (bremenium), cemetery, officer's tomb
binchester (vinovia), hypocaust pilae in private bath-house
hadrian's wall, milecastle 36
chesters, bread oven behind south tower of west gate
chesters museum, building inscription (RIB III.3300)
chesters museum, inscription slab of tetrarchic period
vindolanda, 2009 excavation of barrack blocks in progress
segedunum, 2014 bath-house excavations in progress
segedunum, 2014 bath-house excavations, apse
segedunum, 2014 bath-house excavations, hypocaust pilae
chester-le-street, roman stone sculpted with serpent (on private property, photographed with permission)
binchester, 2014 excavations of bath-house outside fort
hadrian's wall, brunton turret, pivot and groove in door
cawthorn, roman camp entrance
maryport (alauna), 2015 excavations in progress, possible base of jupiter column
maryport, senhouse museum, inscription dedicated to jupiter optimus maximus capitolinus (RIB 832)
segedunum, bath house, hypocaust pilae of hadrianic caldarium
segedunum, bath house, frigidarium and original hadrianic wall
segedunum, bath house, caldarium apse
troutbeck, outline of roman camp
hadrian's wall, black carts turret
elsdon, roman funerary inscription to rufinus, st cuthbert's church (RIB.1288)
beltingham, roman altar dedicated to sattada in churchyard (RIB.1695)
bridgeness, scotland, replica of distance slab dated to cAD142 (CIL VIII.1088)
carlisle (luguvalium), inscription found in 2017 excavations of bath-house (as yet unpublished)
carlisle (luguvalium), 2017 excavations in progress, bath-house near roman fort
carlisle (luguvalium), 2017 excavations in progress, imperial tile stamp found in bath-house
carlisle (luguvalium), bath-house under excavation in 2017
staward pele, roman stone with feathered tooling
inveresk, hypocaust building in grounds of inveresk house (antonine period)
cumbria, whitley castle, hadrianic ramparts
vindolanda, 2017 excavations in progress, fort wall
northumberland, hadrian's wall at walltown crags
cumbria, lowther castle gardens, basin from imperial thermae in rome (C3AD)
cumbria, brocavum (brougham castle), fort ramparts
cumbria, brocavum (brougham castle), inscription identifying carvetii (RIB.3525)
luguvalium (carlisle), re-used stone in carlisle castle keep stairs
luguvalium (carlisle), roman altar re-used as lintel, dedicated to capitoline triad (RIB 3460)
bremenium (high rochester) altar above external door in private house
bremenium (high rochester), roman cemetery, tombs lining dere street
bremenium (high rochester,) roman cemetery, officer's tomb with relief of bucranium
bremenium (high rochester), north gate
vercovicium, one of four victories found on site, housesteads museum
vercovicium, general view from decumanus maximus
vercovicium, latrine
photos © lorraine kerr 2008-2025